Change is an inevitable part of life, but knowing that doesn’t mean dealing with change is easy. It can seem overwhelming or frightening if you don't know what will happen or what to expect. Finding ways to accept and cope can make these transitions smoother and less troubling.Fortunately, there are steps you can take when dealing with change to help make those adjustments easier. 

Prepare Yourself for Change 

Change often happens when you don’t expect it, so keeping an eye on the future and preparing yourself, at least mentally, might be helpful. Spend some time thinking about events that are coming up in the future that may lead to changes or disruptions.

Change How You Think

The way you think about change plays a major role in determining how well you deal with it. Automatic negative thinking patterns can undermine your ability to focus on the positive. When negative thoughts bog you down, it is more challenging to have faith in your coping abilities. 

Cognitive reframing is a technique that can help people change these negative thoughts. It's a strategy you can utilize in your day-to-day life to help look at situations with a more realistic, hopeful attitude.

Maintain Routines

When the world is changing all around you, holding on to some sense of normalcy can be a useful way to minimize stress and find comfort. Research has found that maintaining routines can help people get a better handle on symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Find Social Support

Social support is essential for mental well-being, but this can be particularly true when dealing with change. 

Friends, loved ones, and other social connections can provide support in various ways when you are dealing with changes in your life.

Caring For Yourself

In addition to mentally preparing yourself for the challenges of making a change, it is also essential to be sure that you are taking care of yourself physically during a transition period. When things are in flux, you might find that you neglect many of your basic needs.