Influence refers to the power to change or affect someone or something, especially the power to cause changes without directly forcing them to happen It can also refer to a person or thing that affects someone or something in an important way

    • Definition: Influence refers to the power or impact that someone or something has on another person or thing.
    • Usage Example: “The coach’s words influenced the team’s performance.”
    • Characteristics:
      • Ability to affect behavior intentionally or unintentionally.
      • Exerted through persuasion, coercion, or suggestion.
      • Can be positive or negative.
      • Used in business and marketing to describe the sway a brand or product has on consumer behavior.

In summary, affect relates to emotions, while influence pertains to the ability to impact behavior or actions1. If you encounter situations where you need to choose between these words, consider their specific contexts to make the right choice! 😊